Terry Howard

  • Recommendation Termination
  • Decision Suspension
  • Length of process 10 months July 20, 1998 to May 18, 1999 Closed
  • Investigative Agency Not Specified

Charged with violating 3 rules on 5 counts

Show all counts

Rule 39 2 counts

Failure to immediately make an oral report to the desk sergeant at the District of occurrence and to follow such oral report with a written report on the prescribed form, whenever a firearm is discharged by a member.

Rule 6 1 count

Disobedience of an order or directive, whether written or oral.

Rule 2 2 counts

Any action or conduct which impedes the Department's efforts to achieve its policy and goals or brings discredit upon the Department.

Board Member Votes & Decisions

Majority Decision

0 agreed

Agreed with the final decision of the board

0 disagreed

Disagreed with the final decision of the board

0 did not vote

Did not vote or were not present for voting

Minority Opinions