From the Rules and Regulations of the Chicago Police Department adopted and published by the Police Board.
Hidden rule # | Rule | Description | Cases | Hidden cases | |
1 | Rule 1 |
Violation of any law or ordinance. |
374 (55%) | ||
2 | Rule 2 |
Any action or conduct which impedes the Department's efforts to achieve its policy and goals or brings discredit upon the Department. |
588 (86%) | ||
3 | Rule 3 |
Any failure to promote the Department's efforts to implement its policy or accomplish its goals. |
90 (13%) | ||
4 | Rule 4 |
Any conduct or action taken to use the official position for personal gain or influence. |
56 (8%) | ||
5 | Rule 5 |
Failure to perform any duty. |
44 (6%) | ||
6 | Rule 6 |
Disobedience of an order or directive, whether written or oral. |
347 (51%) | ||
7 | Rule 7 |
Insubordination or disrespect toward a supervisory member on or off duty. |
16 (2%) | ||
8 | Rule 8 |
Disrespect to or maltreatment of any person, while on or off duty. |
177 (26%) | ||
9 | Rule 9 |
Engaging in any unjustified verbal or physical altercation with any person, while on or off duty. |
128 (19%) | ||
10 | Rule 10 |
Inattention to duty. |
56 (8%) | ||
11 | Rule 11 |
Incompetency of inefficiency in the performance of duty. |
26 (4%) | ||
12 | Rule 12 |
Failure to wear the uniform as prescribed. |
0 (0%) | ||
13 | Rule 13 |
Failure to adequately secure and care for Department property. |
6 (1%) | ||
14 | Rule 14 |
Making a false report, written or oral. |
219 (32%) | ||
15 | Rule 15 |
Intoxication on or off duty. |
48 (7%) | ||
16 | Rule 16 |
Entering any tavern or bar while on duty or in uniform, except in the performance of a police duty. |
2 (0%) | ||
17 | Rule 17 |
Drinking alcoholic beverages while on duty or in uniform, or transporting alcoholic beverages on or in Department property, except in the performance of police duty. |
2 (0%) | ||
18 | Rule 18 |
A. Engaging directly or indirectly in the ownership, maintenance, or operation of a tavern or retail liquor establishment.
4 (1%) | ||
19 | Rule 19 |
(Repealed 8 May 1975 by the Police Board) |
1 (0%) | ||
20 | Rule 20 |
Failure to submit immediately a written report that any member, including self, is under investigation by any law enforcement agency other than the Chicago Police Department. |
14 (2%) | ||
21 | Rule 21 |
Failure to report promptly to the Department any information concerning any crime or other unlawful action. |
26 (4%) | ||
22 | Rule 22 |
Failure to report to the Department any violation of Rules and Regulations or any other improper conduct which is contrary to the policy, orders or directives of the Department. |
21 (3%) | ||
23 | Rule 23 |
Failure to obey Department orders concerning other employment, occupation, or profession. |
16 (2%) | ||
24 | Rule 24 |
Failure to follow medical roll procedures. |
18 (3%) | ||
25 | Rule 25 |
Failure to actually reside within the corporate boundaries of the City of Chicago. |
16 (2%) | ||
26 | Rule 26 |
Failure to provide the Department with a current address and telephone number. |
21 (3%) | ||
27 | Rule 27 |
Failure to report promptly any anticipated absence from duty. |
6 (1%) | ||
28 | Rule 28 |
Being absent from duty without proper authorization. |
10 (1%) | ||
29 | Rule 29 |
Failure to be prompt for duty assignment, including roll call and court appearance. |
0 (0%) | ||
30 | Rule 30 |
Leaving duty assignment without being properly relieved or without proper authorization. |
8 (1%) | ||
31 | Rule 31 |
Publicly criticizing the official actions of another Department member, when the result of such criticism can reasonably be foreseen to undermine the effectiveness of the official working relationship of the member within his assigned unit. All such criticism should be made and reported to the Department. |
0 (0%) | ||
32 | Rule 32 |
Engaging in any public statements, interviews, activity, deliberation or discussion pertaining to the Police Department which reasonably can be foreseen to impair the discipline, efficiency, public service, or public confidence in the Department or its personnel by:
2 (0%) | ||
33 | Rule 33 |
Sitting in a public conveyance while in uniform or as a non-paying passenger when paying passengers are standing. |
0 (0%) | ||
34 | Rule 34 |
Failure to keep vehicle in public view while assigned to general patrol duty except when authorized by a supervisory member. |
0 (0%) | ||
35 | Rule 35 |
Concealing a Department vehicle for the sole purpose of apprehending traffic violators. |
0 (0%) | ||
36 | Rule 36 |
Permitting any person not on official police business to ride in a Department vehicle unless specifically authorized. |
1 (0%) | ||
37 | Rule 37 |
Failure of a member, whether on or off duty, to correctly identify himself by giving his name, rank and star number when so requested by other members of the Department or by a private citizen. |
5 (1%) | ||
38 | Rule 38 |
Unlawful or unnecessary use or display of a weapon. |
70 (10%) | ||
39 | Rule 39 |
Failure to immediately make an oral report to the desk sergeant at the District of occurrence and to follow such oral report with a written report on the prescribed form, whenever a firearm is discharged by a member. |
6 (1%) | ||
40 | Rule 40 |
Failure to inventory and process recovered property in conformance with Department orders. |
6 (1%) | ||
41 | Rule 41 |
Disseminating, releasing, altering, defacing or removing any Department record or information concerning police matters except as provided by Department orders. |
14 (2%) | ||
42 | Rule 42 |
Participating in any partisan political campaign or activity. |
1 (0%) | ||
43 | Rule 43 |
Discussing bail with a person who is in custody except by those specifically authorized to let to bond. |
0 (0%) | ||
44 | Rule 44 |
Giving an opinion as to fine or penalty. |
0 (0%) | ||
45 | Rule 45 |
Recommending any professional or commercial service. |
0 (0%) | ||
46 | Rule 46 |
Advising any person engaged in a professional or commercial service that such professional or commercial services may be needed. |
2 (0%) | ||
47 | Rule 47 |
Associating or fraternizing with any person known to have been convicted of any felony or misdemeanor, either State or Federal, excluding traffic and municipal ordinance violations. |
5 (1%) | ||
48 | Rule 48 |
Soliciting or accepting any gratuity, or soliciting or accepting a gift, present, reward, or other thing of value for any service rendered as a Department member, or as a condition for the rendering of such service, or as a condition for not performing sworn duties. |
4 (1%) | ||
49 | Rule 49 |
Giving to or receiving from any other member any gift, present, or gratuity excluding gifts accepted from relatives or close friends upon appropriate occasions. No supervisory member will receive a present from subordinate members. |
0 (0%) | ||
50 | Rule 50 |
Giving any gift, present, or gratuity to another member or a person not in his family without the specific approval of the Police Board, excluding donations not exceeding three dollars given in honor of retirements, or to hospitalized or deceased members, provided a member above the rank of captain has approved of the donations. Party, dinner, and entertainment expenses will be paid for individually by persons attending without prior collection through Department channels. |
0 (0%) | ||
51 | Rule 51 |
A. Failure to testify or give evidence before any grand jury, coroner's inquest or court of law or before any governmental, administrative, or investigative agency (city, state or federal) when properly called upon to do so, and when there is no properly asserted constitutional privilege, or when immunity from prosecution has been granted.
2 (0%) | ||
52 | Rule 52 |
Seeking or soliciting contributions of any kind from anyone, by any means, for any purpose, under any circumstances, including collections for charitable purposes by any member or his agent, group of members or their agents, and including any sale or solicitation by any member or his agent, group of members or their agents, of advertising for any police journal, magazine or other publication identified with the Chicago Police Department or any association of its members, except as specifically authorized by resolution of the Police Board.
0 (0%) | ||
53 | Rule 53 |
Participating in, encouraging the participation of others in, or otherwise supporting any strike, demonstration, slowdown, or other such concerted action against the Department. |
1 (0%) | ||
54 | Rule 54 |
A. Joining or retaining membership in, or soliciting other members to join any labor organization whose membership is not exclusively limited to full time law enforcement officers. It is provided that this Rule will not apply to civilian members nor to membership in any labor organization in connection with, and relating solely to, approved secondary employment of sworn officers.
0 (0%) | ||
55 | Rule 55 |
Holding cigarette, cigar, or pipe in mouth while in uniform and in official contact with the public. |
0 (0%) |
This Rule applies to both the professional and private conduct of all members. It prohibits any and all conduct which is contrary to the letter and spirit of Departmental policy or goals or which would reflect adversely upon the Department or its members. It includes not only all unlawful acts by members but also all acts, which although not unlawful in themselves, would degrade or bring disrespect upon the member or the Department, including public and open association with persons of known bad or criminal reputation in the community unless such association is in the performance of police duties. It also includes any action contrary to the stated policy, goals, rules, regulations, orders or directives of the Department.